Help us Help the Preservation Trades
A snapshot from our recent Old Building & Trades Fair, Steve Booth Photography.
Are you engaged with preservation trades in New Hampshire, New York, Vermont, or Maine? Whether you are a current or retired tradesperson, a preservation advocate, a trades student, a historic property owner, or someone else connected to this area of work, we are interested in hearing from you about your experiences and perspectives pertaining to the Northeast preservation trades workforce. Please share your insights with us in this 10-15 minute survey. Participants must be at least 18 years f age. Participation is voluntary. Upon completion, you will have the option to be entered in a drawing to win one of five historic preservation books.
This research is being conducted by the University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension (IRB-FY2022-320) in collaboration with the Northeast Regional Initiative for the Preservation Trades, a four-state partnership between the New Hampshire Preservation Alliance, Preservation League of New York State, Preservation Trust of Vermont, and Maine Preservation. The project is funded by a grant from the Moe Family Fund for Statewide and Local Partners through the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
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