Planned Giving
Join the Inherit New Hampshire Legacy Society
“We believe in the value of saving historic properties to live in, to work in, and to gather in. After restoring our home in Lyme, we worked with the Alliance to assure that the Rufus Porter murals would be forever protected. A bequest to the Alliance is now part of our estate plan, and we feel good knowing that New Hampshire’s historic places will continue to be preserved through their efforts. ”
By making a planned gift to the New Hampshire Preservation Alliance, you will help preserve New Hampshire’s historic treasures for future generations. Bequests of any size are appreciated.
There are many options for planned giving to help you maximize the substantial tax and estate planning benefits of a charitable gift. Options include:
Donations of cash or appreciated securities
Gifts of real estate or other property
Naming the NH Preservation Alliance as a beneficiary of your IRA or other qualified retirement plans
Donating proceeds of a life insurance policy
Setting up a charitable trust or gift annuity
If you have already named the New Hampshire Preservation Alliance in your will or trust, please let us know so that we may welcome you into the Inherit New Hampshire Legacy Society. We are happy to discuss your wishes for a planned gift, and requests for anonymity will be honored.
Make a bequest to the New Hampshire Preservation Alliance
Become a member of the Inherit New Hampshire Legacy Society. Contact Jennifer Goodman, Executive Director at (603) 224-2281 or at
Quick Links To Pages In The Donate/Join Section
Individual Donations Corporate Donations Organization Donations Planned Giving The Monahon Fund