It is individuals who make preservation happen. Their support makes up the majority of our budget each year and through the generous support of each of the people listed below, we are able to continue with our day-to-day operations and fund all of the workshops, programs, and one-on-one support we love to bring to the public. Preservation would not happen if there was no public interest and the immense support of the individuals listed below indicates just how important historic preservation is to those who love the buildings and structures of New Hampshire.
Please take a moment to thank our current sponsors:
Ruth Albert
Kimberly Alexander and Dane Morrison
James and Gail Allard
Len and Meredeth Allen
Richard and Joanne Antonia
Laurie and Ken Appel
Joy Appleton
Carin Ashjian and Robert Campbell
John Atwood
Philip and Carolyn Auger
James Aznive
Patricia Barber
Ted and Liz Barbour
Kathy Barnard
David Barrett
Bob and Maria Barth
Sylvia Bates and Thomas Masland
Jane Beaulieu
Kathleen Beliveau
Bernie Benn
Gary and Su Bennett
John and Carol Bergeron
Michael Bezio
Melissa Bicknell
Ann Blair
Jane Boesch
Nola Boomer
Eleanor Border
Peter and Lucinda Borrone
Roy and Donna Brewster
Frederick and Rebecca Briccetti
Robert Brungraber
Irene and John Bush
Steven and Carol Bush
Catherine Bushueff
Mark and Sally Bussiere
Bruce and Nora Buttrick
Nola Cady and Greg Russell
George and Carol Carlson
Sally Carpenter
Edward and Janet Caylor
Tom Chase
Margaret Conver
Ellen Cook
Edmond and Anne Cooley
Stephen and Chris Coombs
Charlotte Cooper and Bill Devereaux
Glenn Coppelman
Michael Corey
Cox Family
Valecia Crisafulli
Robert and Linda Crootof
Winnie Crouse
Becky Cummings
Terrence and Charlotte Daley
Sarah Dangelas Hofe and Chisholm Hofe
Donald C. Davis, Jr.
Susan DeForest
Will Delker and Annmarie Timmins
Gabrielle DiPerri
Paul Dixon
Philip and Mary Ann Donovan
Gertrude Donovan-Coyle and Joseph Coyle
William and Margaret Doody
Joan B. Doty
Liza Draper and Richard Seaman
James and Martha Driscoll
Diane Drouin
Andrew and Donna Dunn
Betty Dunn
Jim and Michelle Emmond
BJ Entwisle
Daniel Fallon
Mary Fanelli
Minxie and Jim Fannin
Michael and Cathy Farley
Alison Farrar
Lynn Firth
Donald Floyd
George and Lisa Foote
Bill and Peri Frantz
Lee Fritz
Charles E. Frost, Jr.
R. Andrew Garthwaite
Donna Gazelle
Robert and Elizabeth Gillette
Catherine Goldsmith
Jonathan Goodman
Joan Goshgarian
Steven and Sonia Grasse
Karen Gray
John and Laura Gund
Judson and Sally Hale
Scott Hall
Sandy and Duane Hammond
Ian Hanson
Sarah Harkness-Nelson
John and Deb Hayes
Daniel Hedges
Lizzie Higginson
Charlotte Rose Hitchcock
Alan and Marilyn Hoffman
Patricia Hoffman
James Hostetler
Anne W. Howe
Katherine Hoy
Doug and Mary Hoyt
Cleo Huggins
Ronald and Grace Jager
Susan Jaskela
Greg and Jane Johnson
Wesley and Katie Jones
Lydia Kachadoorian
Jay and Cheryl Kahn
David Katz
John and Cindy Kelley
Linda Kenison
Michael Kenyon and Thomas Stockton
Barbara Klumb
Tom Knapp
Susan and Ken Koerber
Reinhild Koester Davis
Austin and Betty Kovacs
David and Patricia Lage
Joshua Lascell
William Lasch and Ran Warden
Michael Laurent
Lewis Family
Paul and Sue Lindemann
John and Susan Lord
Timothy and Emma Lord
Will and Jeanne Ludt
William and Marianne Marcussen
Kathryn Marquis
Rep. William and Mrs. Stefanie Marsh
Janice Martin
Scott and Jan Martin
Beth McGinn
James Meltzer and Cynthia Amidon
Frances Menard
Janet and Peter Merrill
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Merrill
Elizabeth Merritt
Chris Diamond Mickey
Ms. Susan Tufts-Moore and Mr. Richard B. Moore
Charles and Lynne Morgan
Debra Morris
Gail Morrison and Pauline Chabot
Adair Mulligan
Linda and Roger Murray
Nancy and Charles Myette
Walter and Jacklyn Nadeau
David B. Nelson
Diana Nelson
Beth Nichols
Martha O’Neill
Rebecca Oreskes and Bradley Ray
Catherine Orlowicz
Susanne Palmer
Edwin and Linda Pape
Katherine Patenaude
Herbert and Judith Pence
Denise Pichette Volk
Stephen Pitman
Marilyn Powers
Jane Radcliffe
Per and Patricia Randby
Andrea Rebeck
Kara Reynolds
Mark Riel
Diane and Chet Riley
Doris Roach
Donna Roberts
Bryony Romer
Alison Rush
Mrs. Richard Sanderson
John Schnitzler
Stephanie Seacord
Glenn Seberg
Rudolf and Anna Seitz
Mortimer and Frances Sellers
Rose Shajenko
Janet Shaw
Katharine Bogle Shields and Michael Shields
Stella Sise
David Smith, Old Yankee Salvage
Douglas and Meredith Smith
Frank and Liz Stevens
Susan Stillinger
Philip B. Stockwell
Eric Taussig
Robert and Janet Tibbetts
Robert Trabucci
Jennifer Vadney and Carlos Aqudelo
Kerry Vautrot
Joseph Vlacovsky
Dr. Dennis and Mrs. Irene Wachs
Thomas Wallace
Tyler Ward and Karen Brown
Austin and Helen Watts
Mercy Weeks
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Whary
Pam Wiggin
Russell Wilder
Fred and Janet Wilkenson
Chris Woods and Clare Eckert
Jane Wright
Debbie Wyman
Robert and Winifred Young
Annie Albert
Tim Allen
Susan Almy
Anton Angelich
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Douglas Aykroyd
Lucy Baldwin
Christine and Peter Bartlett
Ronald Barton
Joyce Beacome
David and Diane Bolduc
Ted Brooks
Susan Brown
Inga Sandvoss Browne
Joni Burkett
Sandra Burt
H. Robert and Mary Frances Carey
Jenna Carroll
Richard Casella
Tom Christensen
Cary Clark
Stephen B. Clarkson
Tim and Amy Coffin
Richard Cook and Rebecca Courser
John and Anita Cotton
Nancy County
Jeff Cronin
Deborah Cushman
Barry Dame, Jr.
Robert and Juliana Dapice
Peter and Becky Darling
Abby Dawson
Dr. Mary Deal
Paul Defourny and Linda Shaheen
L. Marcus DeVito
John and Carolyn Dickey
Nancy Dickinson
Clayton Dingman and Sandra Heaney
Daniel and Cindy Drake
James and Martha Driscoll
John Dumville
Jason Earle
Erik Egbertson
Mary Ann Esposito
Elsbeth T. Falk
John and Patricia Ferrara
Mary Forcier
Samantha Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Forgaard
Barry Frechette
Christine and Ben Frost
Sarah Gatzke
Ronald Gehl
Gwen George-Bruno
Martha German
Representative Linda Gould
Joan Granlund
Douglas Greene
Marcella Hain
Muriel Hall
Maureen Harris
Diane Heller
Adelaide Henderson
Ann Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Heppe
Kristy Hiller
Carolyn Hoague
Katherine Hoffman
Etoile Heifner Holzaepfel
May Houghton
Hanna Howell
Thomas Hubka and Judith Kenny
Dee Hunt
Stephanie Jackson
Elizabeth Janeway
Robert Johnson
William and Noreen Johnson
Jackson and Marilyn Jones
Nanette Lee Jones
John Karol
Marion E. Keith
Natalie Keller
Tara Kelly
Rick Kloeppel
Katherine Kokko
Monique Labbe
Leon Lacroix
James Laffan, Esq.
Richard LaFlamme
Karin Landry
Robert and Jane LaPree
Dwight Leigh
Athanasios Leristis
Jada Lindblom, Ph.D
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Little
Mr. and Mrs. Sal Lucca
Jill MacDonald
Ken and Melissa Madden
Doug and Maude Mailly
J. Louise Malcomb
Gail and Lee Martel
Beth Martin
Sandra W. Martin
Elizabeth McNamara and Dan Habib
Beth Merrill
Molly Meulenbroek
Christopher Miller
Anna Mod
Patricia Montaperto
Renny and Louise Morneau
David Mortengen
Cheryl Myers
MaryAnn Naber
Trish Neal
Nancy Nickerson
Bill Noble
Glen Ohlund
Heather Oliver
Joe Orsino
Elise Paisley
David and Liisa Palance
Elizabeth Paliga
Robert and Barbara Pascoe
Scott Patten Photography
Greg Paxton
Art Pease
Martha Pennell
Donna Plante
Langdon and Karen Plumer
Debra Powers
Karen Prior
Michael and Shirley Provost
Jane Radcliffe
Mary Lyn Ray
Judy Rogers
Michael Rollo
Catherine Rombeau
Linda Rouseau
Janne Rudler
Rebecca Sanborn
Dianne Schuett
Faith and Christopher Schuetz
Hillary Scott
Dorie Seavey
Barbara Sheehan
John and Joan Skewes
Alan Smith
Linda and Noel Smith
J. Alexis Soule
David and Ann St. Onge
Edward and Kathy Staub
Maggie Stier
Deborah Stohn
Steve and Gina Surgenor
Ann Swart
Audrey Sylvester
Henry Taves and Roberta Bass
Craig Taylor
Digit Taylor
Danica Thompson
Jordan Tirrell Wysocki
Carolyn Tolman
Andrews and Susan Tolman
Alex Tolstoi
Mrs. Jean B. Treadwell
Arlene Vanderlinde
Thomas Visser, MS
Karen and Bob Votava
SueAnn Walker
John and Carol Wallace
Brett Warren
Jeff Warriner
Ross Weaver
Eric Weinrieb
R. Robert Werner
Barbara Whetstone
Elizabeth Widmer
Ben and Susan Wilcox
Richard and Kathryn Woodfin
Karl Wulfsberg
Susan Yarger
Paul Yelle
Dr. Joan Zinkawich
*Note - This list reflect cumulative support for the previous 12 months. Updated May 2022
Leadership Circle
Colin and Paula Cabot
Martha Fuller Clark and Geoffrey Clark
Colleen O’Neill
John and Nancy Merkle
Nick and Tricia Mitchell
Rebecca Mitchell and Benjamin Harris
Melinda Richmond
Barbara and David Roby
Christopher P. Williams
Alice DeSouza
Michael Duffy and Stephen Cornish, The Duffy Educational Fund, LLC
Gregory Flowers
Harvey and Christina Hill
Ben and Lucy Wilson
Valerie Best
Hadley Champlin and Anne Pillion
D’Amore Family Fund
Robert and Jeananna Farrar
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Garvin
Mark Hempton and Lorie Dunne
Mr. William F. Hunting, Jr.
Neal and Heleen Kurk
The William W. & Pamela C. Lane Foundation
Frank and Joyce Lemay
Patricia Meyers
Richard Piper
Mr. John C. Porter
Roedel Family Charitable Fund
James and Carolyn Russell
Robert and Mary Jane Solomon
Robert B. Stephenson
Mrs. Cyrus Sweet
Bill and Tracy Veillette
William and Margaret Weiler
John Wilkins
Andi Axman and Mark Goldstein
Jack Beard and Rebecca Snider
Byron and Susan Champlin
David and Elizabeth Choate
The Clarke Fund
Jack P. Crisp, Jr., Esquire
Romeo Danais
Robert and Ellen Daros
Ann and Marc Davis
Frederick Farrar
Mrs. Robert B. Field, Jr.
Nicole Flynn
Jeanie Forrester
Linda Frawley Charitable Fund
Margaret Halpert
William Haskett
David and Judith Hess
Donna R. Hochberg
Jessica Kahn
Steve Kingsley
David Little
Losik Family Fund
Moses Lovejoy Fund
Amy Manzelli
Sarah Millard
Ken and Linda Miller
Lynne Emerson Monroe and Frank Whittemore
James and Judith Putnam
Gilbert and Laura Richardson
Eric and Teresa Rosenberger
Richard Scaramelli
Mr. David D. Sinkler
Alan Smith
John F. Swope
Ginger Voorhees
Connie and Sankey Williams
Cindy Wojcicki
Shannon Alther and Susan Wilbur
Russell Bastedo
Allison Blair
Victoria Blodgett
Mae Bradshaw and Frank Dibble
Stephen Breyer
Jan and Ronald Brown
Stephen and Bonney Burack
Alan Cantor
Dennis J. Card and Maureen E. McCanty Charitable Fund
Pat and Chick Colony
Elizabeth “Zib” Corell
Judy Day and Larry Miller
Kent Devereaux and Jan Sutcliffe
David Drasba, AIA
Deborah DuSault
Sherry Dutzy
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Faulkner, II
Edward and Ruth Fowler
Jameson and Priscilla French
Helen H. Frink
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Fuller
Janet Gagne
Garvey Family Fund
James Gregoire
Meghan Gross
James Guy and Rosemary Mack
Benjamin Haavik
Sue Milne Haydock
John and Jane Hebert
Terry and JD Heinzmann
John and Thelma Hewitt
Mary Ireland
Robert Jaarsma
Pamela and Rob Johnson
Lauri Jutzi
Elaine Kaczmarek
Kapala Kittredge Fund
Lindsey Klecan
Terry M. Knowles
Katherine La Plante
Charlotte Lee and Ron Turbayne
Jerry and Heidi Little
Joseph and Margo Longacre
Kathryn Longo
Anne Lovett and Steve Woodsum
Dennis Malloy
Jacqueline and Christopher Marshall
Frederick Martin
Alan and Kathleen Matthews
Lisa Mausolf
John and Debora Mayer
Jennifer Mayes
Steph Mcdougal
Jennifer Meade
Lorraine and John Merrill
Peter Michaud
Annie Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Nylander
Ky Ober
Dr. Robert Oot and Dr. Carol Robey
Tyler and Katheryn Phillips
Robert Reed
Harriett S. W. Richards
Reagan and Adam Ruedig
Tom and Christine Stevens
Deirdre Taylor
Stephen Taylor
Beverly and Matt Thomas
Katharine Thompson
Lydia Tilsley
Jennifer Tonning
Rick and Dawn Toothaker
Frances Von Mertens
Laurie Wadsworth
Cindy and Mark Watts
Binney and Robert Wells Family Fund
Bruce and Elizabeth Whitmore
Richard Wilhite
Dr. Robert O. Wilson
Nancy Wolf and Jacob Rosengarten
Claudia Wu
Carl Siemon Family Charitable Trust
John Ahlgren
James Alexander and Thomas Stocker
Sarah Alger and Fred Hagedorn
Peter and Ellen Allen
Stephen and Joan Ames
Webster and Sylvia Anderson
Cristina Ashjian
Clete and Anne Baier
Jeannette and Lee Baker
Pauline Barnes
Richard Barnes
Brent Todd and Althea Barton
David and Kathy Bashaw
Robert Bast and Laura Carlsmith
Carter Beck and Marco Protano
Cyrus and Erika Beer
Kathleen Belko
Thomas and Patricia Belt
Ellen Bernard
Kenneth and Charlotte Berry
Katherine and Mark Blanchard
Peter Blanchard
Chris and Carolyn Boldt
George Born
Peter and Lucinda Borrone
Douglas Hill and Alexandra Breed
Peter and Susan Brink
Dr. Roger C. and Carol D. Brooks
Susann and Larry Brown
Jack and Pat Buben
Diana and Arthur Burdette
Ms. Hope Zanes Butterworth
Cheryl Callahan
William Campbell
Susan and David Canada
Prof. Richard Candee
Lorrie Carey
Jim and Leslie Casey
Tom and Patience Chamberlin
Margaret Charette and Peter Corrigan
Laurence and Susan Chase
Robert S. Chase
Davis and Sandra Clark
Eloise Clark
Ray and Tina Clark
Douglas Clayton
Patricia Cobb
Greg Colling and Ann Kraybill
George W. Cook, IV
Terry Cook
Timothy and Lynn Cook
Charlotte L. Cooper
Thomas Cordy
George Corson, Jr.
C. Thomas Crosby, Jr.
Capt. & Mrs. Howard S. Crosby
Andrew Cushing
Richard and Lycille Czarnec
Andrew and Bernice Dangelas
John W. Davidge, III and Deborah M. Lott
John and Susan Davies
Joan Desmarais and Douglas Copeley
Bonnie Doherty
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Drinkwater
Heidi Dunham
Rebecca Dunham
Bill and Sue Dunlap
Judith A. Durgin
Cedric Dustin, III
Richard and Nancy Dutton
Aurore and Scott Eaton
Fred and Barbara Engelbach
Stephen Ensign
Donna and Lauri Etela
Apostolopoulos Trust
Douglas and Martha Evelyn
Marilyn and Michael Fenollosa
Mark Fenske
Julie Fewster
Ronald Lee Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. Woodbury Fogg
John and Margarette Ford
Joslin Kimball Frank
Raymond and Christina Fuerschbach
Gilbert and Claire Gagnon
Kathryn and Joshua Gallagher
Bill Gartner
Matthew Gatzke and Sandra Crystall
William and Nancy Gaver
Michael and Eileen Gfroerer
Robert H. Gile
Paula Gilman
Peggy and David Gilmour
Jennifer Goodman and Fred Richards
Selma R. Gould
Nathanael B. Greene
Jennifer Gunn
Ann W. Hackl
Elizabeth and Dennis Hager
Rosanne Haggerty
Katherine Hamer
Erin Hammerstedt
Michael and Cynthia Harvell
Mallory Hathaway
Carol Heald
Charles and Joyce Higgins
Edwin and Mary Hiller
Lee and Cathleen Hodson
William Hoffman
Karen Hoglund
Katharyn S. Hok
Shep and Betsy Holcombe
Johnn Holdswoth
Frederick P. Hooper
John B. and Lynda Hunt
Helen Ingalls
David Irwin
Carl and Ruth Jacobs
Catherine and Evan Jahos
Mary Ann Jasienowski
Shawn and Laurie Jasper
Peter and Cornelia Jenness
Rob and Pamela Johnson
Jean and Michael Kluk
Barbara and Michael Kreisler
Judith Kushner
Peter and Irene Labombarde
George and Kathy Lagos
Nancy Lambert and Martin Lee
Drew and Carol Landry
Sylvia and Robert Larsen
Norman and Joyce Larson
Mary Leadbeater and Michael Strack
Ronald and Susan Leclerc
Brig. Gen. Samuel K. Lessey, Jr.
Jeannine T. Levesque
Sheridan Lloyd
James Logan
John and Mary Lord
Jeremy Lougee
Ellen Lovejoy
Vincent and Lois Lunetta
Jim and Elizabeth Lustenader
Rich Maher and Kathleen Everest
Louise Malcolm
Howard Mansfield and Sy Montgomery
Carl and Nancy Martland
Barbara Marty and Stephen Bridgewater
Jane Maurer
Marcy McCann
Ken and Carole McCarthy
Dennis McClary
Hugh McGovern
David and Janice McKenzie
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Menzies
Amanda Merrill
Miss Margo Miller
Howard Moffett
Brian and Mary Mokler
Lisa and Frank Montesanto
Joseph and Margaret Moore
Lise Moran
Timothy and Rebecca More
Deane Morrison
Sandra Munsey
Douglas and Donna Murray
Beverly Mutrie
Elizabeth and Worthen Muzzey
Jeff Myrdek
Terri Nash
William Norton
Robert Odell
Nancy Osgood
Elise Ottenberg
James Owers and Leslie Ludtke
The Pallins
Steve Phillips and Jennifer Frazer
Susan Phillips-Hungerford, AIA Architect
Lulu Pickering
Lori Pimental
Steve and Becky Powell
Gaynelle Pratt
Philip Preston
Charles and Lucy Putnam
Thomas and Barbara Putnam
Gautami Rao
Ron Reed
David Ries
Stephen and Julia Roberts
Ted Roche and Laura White
Linda Rogers and Ed Ribitzki
Alexandra Rollins
Cynthia and Mark Rouvalis
Mark and Sherry Rowell
Rusty Russell
Drs. Joseph and Joanne Sack
Allen Salyer
Douglas and Stella Scamman
Mark and Kimberlee Schifrin
Carl W. Schmidt
Stephen P. Schultz
Mrs. Lucy Bell Sellers
Robert Shoemaker, III
Michael and Tara Shore
Carolyn Singer
Susan Slack
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Smith
Mrs. W. Richard Smyser
James and Deborah Somes
Carl and Sharon Spaulding
ARCHER - Account for the Recovery of Cultural Heritage
John and Naomi Stadler
Lisa Stephens
Jane and John Stephensonn
Kenneth Stewart and Mary Louise Caffrey
Dia Stolnitz
Stephen Swift
Larry and Pam Tarica
Robert Tattersall
Suzanne Tether
Bryant F. Tolles, Jr.
Ann and Frank Torr
C. Harrison and Margaret Trumbull
Jamison Tucker
Lori Wamser
Donald and Susan Ware
Karen Watkins
Margaret Watkins
Nancy and Mark Watson
Senator David Watters
Retta Weaver
Peter and Ann Webb
Richard and Anne Webb
Jim Webber
Don Weisburger
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Weismann
Katherine Wenglikowski
David and Gail Wesson
Mary West and Kevin Belval
Beverly Thomas Westheimer
Jeffrey B. and Kathryn M. Wheeler
Steve and Nancy Whitman
Mr. Ian L. Whitmore
Eric and Monica Williams
Charles G. Willing, Jr.
Daniel and Beverly Wolf
Stephen Wood and Louisa Spencer
Richard and Patrice Wright
Robert Wyatt
Lawrence Yerdon
Paul and Sharon Yergeau
Samuel Kendall and Catherine Zusy