Bedard Preservation & Restoration, LLC
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Bedard Preservation & Restoration has a passion for working with old buildings, especially antique post and beam structures. Doing everything from structural work to roof and siding repairs to interior restoration, they can advise a potential homebuyer or work with existing owners to analyze a building’s condition, develop a preservation plan, and identify and implement cost-effective solutions and strategies.
Steve Bedard attending a pre-COVID, New Hampshire Preservation Alliance Seven to Save event in Concord, NH.
Steve Bedard, business owner, also does building assessment reports, often funded by grants from the NH Preservation Alliance. His on-site observations and photographs are integrated into an illustrated document that summarizes existing conditions, recommends preservation techniques and methods, suggests priorities or phases, and estimates cost. Professional reports are especially valuable when public support and grant funding are necessary to fund a project, typical for municipalities, non-profits and some faith-based organizations.
Steve Bedard has over 45 years of experience in preservation. He’s rescued and restored dozens of historic buildings dating from the late 17th century through 1930. He is a firm believer in learning as much as he can about a structure before he begins to work on it - thoroughly inspecting the building to understand how it was constructed, what alterations it’s had, and identifying any maintenance or life safety issues.
Steve Bedard repairs on old sash at the Congregational Church in Amherst, NH.
Bedard has a crew of six. “We love working on old barns and houses, outbuildings, commercial or government buildings, you name it,” says Steve. He has a long-term relationship with a unique historic property, Castle in the Clouds in Moultonborough. When this eclectic mountaintop home was acquired by the Castle Preservation Society in 2006, it was suffering from years of deferred maintenance. “We’ve been working there fifteen seasons, completely renovating the tiny gatehouse with its stone walls and red roof tiles, then moving on to the Castle itself. Working with subcontractors as needed, we’re fixing leaks, rebuilding windows and balconies, and repairing masonry. Visitors are fascinated by the house itself and the process of restoration, so our scaffolding and work crews just add another level of interest,” said Bedard.
“An investment in restoration brings great satisfaction,” notes Bedard. “Antique structures have stood the test of time. They embody our history and provide a sense of community identity.” Bedard Preservation & Restoration has the knowledge and expertise to make almost any historic building solid and useful again, improving energy efficiency, and giving it new life.
Be sure to visit Bedard Preservation & Restoration, LLC’s listing in our online Directory of Products and Services.
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