It's National Preservation Month
Hooray! Here are some ideas for you and your friends and neighbors to take action and celebrate preservation activity.
Now is the time to assess home and barn need and start working through your list.
Take care of your old home. Springtime means checking for winter damage, inspecting foundations and painting! Hire a professional to do an assessments so you don't waste time or resources. Re-tune old windows to improve operations, increase energy efficiency and preserve original features of an old house. Check out our calendar regarding barn workshops and other gatherings here.
Appreciate your community. Look at the place where you live (your street, road or neighborhood) and note how many historic buildings and structures you can see. Show your kids the building where you went to school, or where you got married. Support your local farm, and thank a neighbor who has fixed up his or her barn. Are there places you can't imagine your community without? Start a conversation with other interested citizens to consider planning tools like easements and tax incentives to turn a challenge into an opportunity.
The award-winning Langdon Meetinghouse restoration benefited from LCHIP grants.
Be an advocate for preserving our heritage. Express your support to state and local officials for the Land and Community Heritage Investment Program, New Hampshire's popular and effective matching grants program for historic preservation and land conservation projects. Volunteer to serve on your local planning board, library board, cemetery commission, or downtown organization. Help with a local preservation project. Enjoy dinner in an old inn or a play or concert at a historic theater.
Share your successes and concerns. Come to our annual awards celebration! And we want to hear from you! Keep us posted on what's happening in your community. We welcome your thoughts and ideas. Post on our Facebook page or send to Jennifer Goodman.
More from our national partners, National Trust for Historic Preservation.