Stay Tuned for the Unveiling of our 2024 List Oct. 9th!

The nominations are in and our committee is hard at work reviewing applications and notifying this year’s listees. This year’s announcement event will be held at the Bradford Town Hall on Wednesday, October 9th. Stay tuned for additional details about the event (including registration to attend).

In July 2020, the Gale School in Belmont, NH is lifted and transported to a new location to help avert demolition.

About the Program

Since 2006, the New Hampshire Preservation Alliance’s Seven to Save program has helped attract attention and resources to irreplaceable landmarks around the state that are under-used or threatened by neglect, insufficient funds, or unsympathetic development. Progress with the Chandler House in Manchester (Seven to Save 2015) and the rescue of the Gale School in Belmont (Seven to Save 2017) are two recent successes.

To date, over one hundred significant places have been listed to Seven to Save, with more than half saved. Owners and advocates for the former listees have used the designation to help develop new solutions and secure new investments. Many places are in the process of rehabilitation while others continue to need significant help. A few have been lost. Criteria for selection include historical significance, the imminence of threat, and the potential impact of listing a site.

How can being added to our Seven to Save list help your community’s historic building?

Our program is designed as a tool to bring public attention to New Hampshire’s endangered historic resources. The N.H. Preservation Alliance staff is available to help guide listees on their path towards success through a variety of methods including, but not limited to, assistance writing grant and funding applications, organizing volunteer work days, and assisting with workshops. To learn more, check out our Guide to Success below.

Our 2023 Seven to Save List

The list for 2023 includes five properties on the National Register of Historic Places, and one in a local historic district. Trends accelerated by the pandemic and changes in ownership, as well as demolition and deterioration, are threats to these historic landscapes, buildings and structures. Community input and research is needed for the list’s one unusual thematic listing of a post-Civil War property type that exists statewide. One listee is a major visual and historic feature of one of New Hampshire’s 13 cities, and three of the properties stand in communities with fewer than 2,500 residents.

Our 2023 Listees:

Past Seven to Save lists

While some of these properties may have been listed years ago, some may still need our help! Others serve as great examples of communities and organizations working to achieve their goals while still others may have reached the unfortunate designation of being lost. Check out our past lists to learn about these important resources.

Our Seven to Save Sponsors*



Quick Links to Pages in the Events Section

Events Calendar    Seven To Save    Achievement Awards    Conference    Old House & Barn Expo Expo On The Road